Furniture Catalog in English

From today, all descriptions of furniture in our catalog as well as some articles will be translated into English .

It can not be done instantly - in our catalog of more than 10,000 items of furniture and interiors , but gradually get an English-language description of the model , as overseas customers call in " Shade " more often , and we are thinking to do for them English-language site .

" Shade " respects its customers , so we try not just to fill the site with new models of furniture ( which in our catalog is much less than in all the most beautiful girls ) , but also to offer a convenient , comfortable collaboration . Pleased that the Russian language is one of the first places in the world in prevalence , but still we have to follow the popularity of the English language and use it to communicate with their customers .

By the way, all of the online application , you can draw on any convenient language , and the site is easy to translate into one of dozens of languages ​​on the planet using the " Select Language " at the top of the site.

Категория: Новости компании | Добавил: kemrek2529 (31.05.2014) | Автор: Michail
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